Projects Now Casting
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The Up-To-Date Actor is the only service that actively updates it’s industry database and doesn’t rely on user feedback or the company reaching out. We actively call and email every company on our list to confirm staff, contact info, submission preferences, etc. every 2-3 months. These phone call and email updates are in addition to receiving daily tips & updates via online research, and user feedback.
In this industry, and current climate, industry professionals are always on the move. Don’t waste your time searching online only to find and use outdated info. Rest assured, with the Up-To-Date Actor you have access to the most updated and verified information possible.
Note: We at the Up-To-Date Actor cannot guarantee 100% accuracy due to the ever changing and secretive nature of the industry.
Find union Film, TV, and Theatre projects now casting in your area
Discover casting directors across the country. Filter by what they cast, upcoming networking events, and more
Filter & find talent agents currently seeking new talent like you
Filter & find talent managers currently seeking new talent like you
(Agencies, Managers, Theatre Companies & more!)
Audition logs that actually track your progress and link with the database. Discover what is working and what is not. Receive prompts to remind you to fill in important information on your auditions (who was in the room, any feedback, what material you prepared).
Build a targeted list of people and companies that you want to meet. Be notified when they (or their staff members) will be at a networking event, a new casting project is listed, or there is a change to their information.
Is there a TV show or play that you are 100% right for? Add them to your target list and be notified when
For the first time ever - ONE calendar of ALL of the big bi-coastal networking schedules. Create a list of Agents and Casting Directors you want to target and be alerted when they will be holding a class or seminar. Furthermore, you can see what they are casting or who they are seeking before signing up so you are more informed when you walk in the room.
Keep Track of all of your performance income and deductions in one place. Never forget to record little things like transportation for an audition. Monthly and yearly reports make understanding the business easier & put you in control. Come tax time, download a PDF report of your deductible expenses.
The entertainment industry is back! Learn how the industry has changed since the pandemic and how to maximize your audition opportunities in this virtual new reality. Get ready for what is sure to be a busy 2025!
Join Abigail Hardin (creator of the Up-To-Date Actor) and Annie Chadwick (career coach and founder of Up-To-Date Theatricals) at one of their upcoming workshops. Click on each link for more info.
with Actors Connection
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A discount code will be provided during each workshop to new users for FREE 1-Month Full Access Trial to the Up-To-Date Actor! The industry is revving up, now is a great time to make sure you are informed and ready to make the most out of 2025! Annie and Abigail will be happy to answer questions about the industry and how to use the Up-To-Date Actor.
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