Registering / Setting Up Your Account
  1. I freelance with multiple agents, how should I put them down?

    You always want to record as much information as possible. From the Add Representation page, you can search for the tri-state area agents we have listed. If you see your Agency or Management Company come up, click their name from the dropdown list. Whenever there is a dropdown list you should select from the populated list if applicable. By selecting from the list, you connect with our database and can take advantage of all of the information we have on them and ensure that you have immediate access to changes and updates as the come up.

  2. Why should I fill in details about myself (skills, interest, etc.)?

    The more details you fill in about yourself the more you can take advantage of the filters we offer. This enables you to find better matches with the agents, managers and casting directors. We are continually adding more data and more filters that will make this feature more robust as we go along.

    To update your details, edit your profile by clicking the pencil to the right of your name. You can also click on the circular thumbnail of your photo (or star) in the bottom right corner of the screen. From here you can view (visibility) or edit (edit) your profile, or send us an email (email). You may also use this link to edit your profile now.

  3. Do I have to upload a photo?

    No. In the future we will be offering branded email submissions. The photo will have more purpose then. For right now, it just completes the dashboard/profile. And lets you know that you're on your personal section of the site.

    Upload a Photo

  4. Can others see my profile?

    No. Your dashboard is not visible to other users. It is for you and you alone.

  5. How Do I navigate the site?

    The main navigation can be found in the upper left corner by clicking the menu icon. From here you can access your dashboard by clicking your circluar photo/star as well as access the database by the various links (Agencies, Casting Directors, Managers, etc.). If you are on a mobile device the search bar is located in this menu as well. For desktop users, the searchbar is located in the blue header in the upper right corner.

    You always have quick access to view or edit your profile by clicking the logo next to the (menu) or by clicking the circular thumbnail of your photo/star in the bottom right corner. From here you can view (visibility) or edit (edit) your profile, or send us an email (email).

General Use
  1. How do I search for a person, a company or a project that I'm looking for?

    You can search for a person, a company, or a project from the main search bar. The main search bar can be found in the upper right corner on the desktop, or below the logo in the main navigation on mobile devices.

    In general, you should always select from the drop down list. If you hit "enter" or click the search before selecting from the list you will be brought to a search page where you will see all of the entries that match what you typed.

    If you still don't see who you are looking for you can add a new person ("user contact") to your contacts. Here you can let us know if you think this contact should be included in the database. You can add someone using the link to the right on the empty search page, or you can always add a new user contact from the circular button in the upper right of your contacts page.

  2. What is the "Upcoming Networking Events" on my dashboard?

    The "Upcoming Networking Events" box on your dashboard automatically populates a list of the next five networking events from your list of people you are targeting to meet. When we enter a new event with someone you are interested in meeting, the entry will display here. This is to keep you in the loop of where and when you can take a class with or audition for the person.

    To see all of the people you are targeting visit your networking page. Here you can click on a person and see what they are casting and their upcoming networking events. Your user networking page is different from the main networking page that can be accessed via the main navigation. The main navigation is a listing of all networking events and can be filtered by type.

  3. How do I see a list of all of the networking events? And how do I sort through it all?

    The main networking list can be found from the main navigation menu in the upper left corner. Here you can click any of the links to browse the database, or click your photo (or star) to get to your profile. You can also access your dashboard by clicking the logo next to the (menu) or click the circular thumbnail of your photo/star in the bottom right corner. From here you can view (visibility) or edit (edit) your profile, or send us an email (email).

  4. How should I find someone to target? I don't know who I should meet.

    There are many different ways to find someone to target. Here are a few ways that we will go over below:

    • Define the type of company you are interested in.
    • Define the top 5 roles you are right for (TV & Theatre)
    • Define an area of focus.

    1. The first is defining the type of people you want to meet. We currently offer:

    • Talent & Literary Agents
    • Talent & Literary Managers.
    • Casting Directors
    • East Coast Regional Theatres (and staff)
    • Broadway & Off-Broadway Directors and Choreographers

    You can search by type by clicking on one of the links in the main navigation [pic]

    From here you can filter the companies by location, and either who they represent or what they cast. From there you can click on a company and see more information about them, including:

    • Casting Directors: What they are casting; the best way to submit.
    • Agents & Managers: Who they represent, types they are currently looking for, the best way to submit.
    • Regional Theatres: If they produce musicals or plays; accept new works; the contract they work on; their complete seasons; and upcoming auditions!

    By clicking a staff person's name you can see, what other companies they've worked for in the past, and their contact information. For casting directors you can also see the specific projects they are assigned to. If there is someone who only casts classical musical theatre, and that fits you and your voice type - add them to your target list. If this is not a match for you - keep moving on.

    To add the person to your target list click the (star) icon next to their name. When the icon turns orange, you know that it worked. Now, when visit your [personal networking] page from your dashboard, you should see the person's name, along with any upcoming networking events.

    2. Define the top 5 roles you are right for (TV & Theatre)

    Search for a current project (TV, Broadway, or Off-Broadway) that you would love to audition for. Can't think of one?? That's your first bit of homework! Think of a show that recently closed or went off the air.

    See who casts (or cast) that project, click on their name and see what their casting now. Is it similar? Does the person have any upcoming networking events? If they are a fit with you and your focus, click the (star_border) next to their name and target them! Now you will get notifications about events, updates, and new projects they are working on.

    ***A tip on finding people based on projects*** If there is no staff listed (just the company) or if the staff listed on the project is the main person at the company (i.e. Bernie Telsey at Telsey + Co). Click on the Associates or the Assistants at the company. The big dogs at the company are not going to be showing up for a networking event, but you can rest assured that the Associates and/or Assistants will. This is a great way to introduce your talent to the company and create a relationship with someone who is more likely to be growing their community of actors. Cool, right?!

    3. Define an area of Focus

    What is your area of interest? Film, TV, Theatre, Musical Theatre, Commercials, Commercial Print, or Voiceover? By defining your focus, you can narrow in on the type of people you want to meet. Be specific! Just because you can sing doesn't mean you are right for every musical role. Do you specialize in classic Broadway, belting, or rock? Know your type.

    Once you've defined your focus you can continue on with the two methods above. Either start with companies who cast for or represent actors with your focus OR continue by searching for projects that match your focus and type.

    Pretty simple, right?! Happy hunting!!

  5. What are targeted projects?

    Targeted projects are TV or Theatre shows that you believe you are absolutely right for. If you have already selected TV or Theatre as your targeted area of focus, will be able to add targeted shows in these areas from the Auditions page.

    By adding targeted projects, you will get notifications on updates and can easily find the casting information.

    As reiterated in many places, when you see a dropdown menu, always select from the dropdown. If you do not select from the dropdown the project will not link to the database. If the projects doesn't exist in our database, you can type something new (this is the case for many theatre shows, read the next paragraph for more info on theatre) however it will not link to casting notices or updates.

    Search for a play find every theatre with an upcoming production scheduled!

    ***Why only TV & Theatre?*** With TV and Theatre there is are easy ways for you to research the show and know if you are a fit. You can watch the pilot or the first season of a TV show or you can see a production or read a play and know if it's a match for you. With Film it's hard to know a lot about it until the casting and production are already wrapped. Now, like everything there are exemptions to the rule. If you hear that a Mark Whalberg film is shooting and you are originally from Boston and know that tough guy world that most of his films portray. By all means search for the film in the main search and see who's casting. But for the most part, this is impossible without knowledge of the material, or main production staff.

  6. How can I find a company that would be a good fit for me?

    Read the first method in question 9.

  7. Are the projects listed actual casting/audition notices?

    The projects listed are not actual casting/audition notices. They are compiled from many sources as to what is potentially casting or in production at a certain time, but they are in no way a posting ASKING for submissions.

    We ask that you use tact and professionalism when acting on any the information posted here.

    All information is subject to removal at any time.

  1. I don't see anyone listed in my contacts. How do I find people?

    If you have just created your account and are poking around the site for the first time, you will notice that your contacts page is empty. It is empty because you haven't added anyone yet. Think of this as your phone book AKA "rolodex". To read about adding people to your contacts, please see the next two FAQs.

  2. How do I add someone from the database to my contacts?

    You can add someone to your contacts from the database by clicking the (person_add) to the right of their name. When the icon is orange it has worked. This should be used for people you have auditioned for in the past, someone you've worked with, or just if you want to keep their info saved. To add them to your target list click the (star_border).

  3. How do I add a new person that is not listed in the database?

    To add someone who is not in the database, click the circular button in the upper right area of the contacts page. When adding a new person this is only visible to you. You will have the opportunity when adding the person to let us know if you think they should be included in the database. If we end up adding them to the database, we will update your entry to the new database person so that you receive the benefits of any and all updates and information.

  4. Can others view my user contacts?

    New people add to your account (show as "user contacts") are only visible to you and the site's administration. You will have the opportunity when adding the person to let us know if you think they should be included in the database. If we end up adding them to the database, we will update your entry to the new database person so that you receive the benefits of any and all updates and information.

Auditions / Meetings
  1. How do I add an audition?

    To add an audition click the (add) button from the Auditions widget on your dashboard or click the auditions page from your user navigation on your dashboard. From here you will be asked if this is a first audition or a callback.

    First Audition - enter a new audition
    Here you can search from our entire database of projects or search for you own. ***Always choose an option from the dropdown list if you see what you are looking for. Otherwise you will not have access to the interconnectivity that the site offers. Also by clicking from the site, you will be prompted with casting information that we currently have records for.***

    Project Information
    If you enter a new project (i.e. not from our database) you will be taken to a page where you can fill in information about the project. Always fill out as much information as you have. The project Type (Film, TV, Theatre) and union affiliation are required. On submission of this form you will next be prompted to fill out your audition information for this new project.

    If you selected a project from the database you will be directed immediately to the audition page, bypassing the project information page.

    Audition Information
    Fill in as much information as you can about your audition. The date is required.

    Who are you auditioning for?
    After filling in the audition information, you will be able to fill in audition information. If you originally selected a project from the database you will be prompted with the information we currently have listed. If this is accurate, you can select from here. Otherwise, you can fill in your own information.

    You should always fill in who you are auditioning for, even if we don't have the project or staff person listed. The more you enter the more the site can help connect the dots between your relationships and create a personal history of your entertainment contacts.

    All of this information can be edited or updated later by selecting the project/audition from your Auditions page

  2. How do I add Casting Information for my audition?

    After filling in the audition information, you will be able to fill in audition information. If you originally selected a project from the database you will be prompted with the information we currently have listed. If this is accurate, you can select from here. Otherwise, you can fill in your own information.

    You should always fill in who you are auditioning for, even if we don't have the project or staff person listed. The more you enter the more the site can help connect the dots between your relationships and create a personal history of your entertainment contacts.

    To add casting information to an audition you have already created, go to you auditions page. Click on the (add) button next to the Casting Details subheader. From here you will be able to fill in a company, individual person, or both.

    ***Always fill in as much information as possible.***

  3. How do I add follow up information and who was in the room?

    You can view all prior auditions and meetings by using the "Past Auditions" and "Past Meetings" buttons below your upcoming sections of the Auditions page.

    Find your recent audition or meeting from these lists and fill in follow up information such as notes, transportation, transportation cost, did you send a follow up correspondence, etc. From here you can also add who was in the room.

    Click the "Who was in the room?" button and fill in as many people as you'd like. Enter one person at a time and click the (add)) button to save each entry. Once you are complete, click finish to be taken back to your main [auditions] page.

  4. Why isn't my audition linked to the database like other auditions?

    If you did not select the initial project from the dropdown list, your project will not be linked to our database. If you feel you made a mistake, please contact technical support.

  5. What is the difference between an audition and a meeting?

    An audition entry is used for any audition for an actual project (this does NOT include, general interviews/auditions, go-sees, networking events, etc.). A meeting is for any general interview/audition with a particular person. The types of events that would constitute a meeting entry include:

    • Appointment
    • Business Meeting
    • Class
    • Coaching
    • Dinner/Drinks
    • General Audition
    • Interview
    • Networking
    • Other
    • Social Gathering
  6. Why should I add transportation info?

    The audition and meeting entries allow for you to record your transportation costs to and from the event. You will be able to download a spread sheet at year's end to calculate how much you spent on transportation for each category of meeting. Transportation is a key tax deduction for most actors. These forms are the beginning of the major tax component to the site that will be rolled out in the months to come. Get in the habit of taking control of your money and start recording all business deductions.

  7. I had a coaching, rehearsal, and attended a networking event. How do I enter them?

    A coaching, rehearsal or networking event should be recorded as a Meeting. To add a meeting click the (add) button from the Meetings widget on your dashboard or click the [auditions] page from your user navigation on your dashboard and click the circular (add) button from the widget on this page.

  8. Where are my past auditions and meetings?

    To view auditions or meetings with a date prior to the current date, use the two orange buttons on the Auditions page. Click "Past Auditions" or "Past Meetings" to view your prior lists.

  9. How do I delete an audition or meeting?

    When you click on an audition (not the yellow project name) the box will expand to display all of the audition/meeting details. To delete an audition/meeting click on the (cancel) in the bottom right corner of the expanded box.

  1. How do I add an entry for booked jobs or rehearsals?

    We are currently developing this feature and hope to have it ready for you by mid-December. Look for a notification on your dashboard and in your email when it is ready!

Account Settings
  1. How do I reset my password?

    To reset your password, navigate to the edit profile section by clicking the (edit) to the right of your name on your dashboard or by clicking the circular photo/star in the bottom right corner. From the first edit page, click on the "Subscription" navigation button. From here you can reset your password and eventually you will be able to make changes to the type of subscription you currently have.

    You can also go directly to the Subscription page to reset your password immediately.

  2. How do I change the email associated with my account?

    To change the email associated with your account, please email technical support at info@uptodateactor.com.

Still have a question? Email us! info@uptodateactor.com