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Is it Necessary to Hire a Talent Manager?

By The Up-To-Date Actor, April 11, 2022


If you’ve asked yourself, “Do I need a talent manager?”, the answer is probably yes. Talent managers can be instrumental to the success of a performer.  Whether you are just starting your professional career or have an established following and need someone to oversee it, a talent manager can help streamline your appointments and develop you in the entertainment industry.

Up-To-Date Actor has access to some of NYC’s top talent managers so actors and performers can get the exposure they need to succeed. If you’re still unsure, don’t worry! We know just how confusing the world of talent representation can be. That’s why we’ll answer all of your questions surrounding the necessity of talent managers to help you decide the best move for your professional career.

Why do People Hire Talent Managers?

Performers typically seek representation from a talent manager for one of two reasons:

  1. They are in the very beginning stages of their professional careers and want the expertise and connections of a talent manager to help develop themselves in the industry.
  2. They already have an established career and want a talent manager to oversee operations. This could include connecting the performer to higher-level industry professionals as a means of advancing their career and increasing their visibility within the world of entertainment.

Talent managers have connections in the entertainment industry that those who are not “in the know” simply do not. They may know about performance opportunities where you are located and could help you set up gigs accordingly.

What Does a Talent Manager Do?

As for the actual day-to-day operations of a talent manager, this individual oversees coordination in all areas of an artist’s career. Managers do everything from development to producing projects specifically for their clients. Most managers tend to have a smaller roster of artists with whom they work than talent agents, which allows them to dedicate more time and attention towards coordinating all aspects of the performer’s career. This leads us to our next question: what is the difference between a talent agent and a manager?

Whereas agents procure auditions and negotiate contracts, managers coordinate appointments and project interests as well as occasionally procure auditions and negotiate contracts. In general, a talent agent’s goal is to get an artist in front of a casting director; a manager’s goal is to increase their visibility and recognition. A growing trend nowadays is the talent agent/manager hybrid. Fewer people to go through may streamline processes, especially when it comes to contracts and commission. Speaking of commission, we’ll go into more detail about numbers and criteria for quality management below.

Talent Managers: Contracts, Commission, and Ethics

Once you have decided that it is a good idea to seek representation with a talent manager, the next step is to educate yourself on the basics. Personal managers typically sign clients for a longer time period than agents might. While this could range from 2 to 5 years, the average contract is closer to 1-3 years.

Just as with a talent agent, a manager will also take a percentage of commission on all entertainment jobs. The standard commission is 15%.

Now it’s time to discuss ethical standards and talent management; this is where things may get a little tricky. Talent managers can technically be anyone, which could make navigating ethics a bit difficult. Nevertheless, this does not mean talent managers’ roles are any less important.  While personal managers may choose to work solo without any affiliation, they can also be members of the National Conference of Personal Managers. This association has its own code of ethics to which all members must adhere. It outlines specific relationship parameters, degrees of professionalism, confidentiality, conflicts of interest, and more criteria so both clients and managers understand all boundaries and can proceed without any discrepancies.

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