
FKA: The Romeo & Juliet Project
Last Auditioned: 12/01/21- View Info
Development - Musical
Production Info
Current Status:Casting
Shoot Dates:March 2022 — March 2022
Location:New York, NY

Description: INVINCIBLE reimagines Shakespeare's timeless love story for the 21st Century through the iconic music of PAT BENATAR & NEIL GIRALDO. The new musical takes place in the modern, war-torn metropolis of Verona as the newly-elected Chancellor Paris vows to destroy the progressive resistance and return the city to its traditional roots. Through an intricate weaving of BENATAR & GIRALDO'S riveting rock anthems, inspired ballads, and new songs - an ethnically diverse, multi-cultural cast will explore how love and equality battle for survival in times of great transformation. INVINCIBLE imagines peace in a divided world.


Creative Info:
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Play Info
by Bradley Bredeweg, William Shakespeare
Music & Lyrics by Pat Benatar, Neil Giraldo

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