Field Notes On Love
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Project Info
Production Status: | TBA |
Network: | HBO Max |
Production Info | |
Current Status: | TBA |
Description: Hugo is dumped by his girlfriend before their long-planned romantic train trip across America. She leaves him with the tickets, which are nontransferable, booked under her name. Meanwhile, Mae is reeling from being rejected from USC’s film school. When she stumbles across Hugo’s ad for a replacement, she’s certain it’s exactly the adventure she needs to shake off her disappointment and jump-start her next film. A cross-country train trip with a complete stranger might not seem like the best idea, but to Mae and Hugo, both eager to escape their regular lives, it makes perfect sense. What starts as a convenient arrangement soon turns into something more. However, life outside the train catches up with the duo, and they must contend with not derailing their feelings for each other.
Creative Info:
- Jennifer E. Smith — Writer
- Lauren Graham — Writer
- Appian Way — Production Company
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