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Project Info
Production Status: | Development |
Production Info | |
Current Status: | Development |
Comments: | The book, which recently won the prestigious Harvey Award for Best International Book, comes from author and illustrator Ma, who realized, while living at home in his 20s, that he knew very little about his mother beyond her role as a mother mom and asked her to write down thoughts about her life in a notebook. |
Description: The story of Lee Soyeon and her two best friends, three Korean women in their 50’s struggling with the loneliness of middle age. Sick of suffering life’s injustices, they begin to reclaim their own lives with reckless abandon, leading to sexual adventures, infighting, and a daring challenge to the social hierarchy at work that risks their livelihoods. It tells of how they can no longer bear the dead weight of their partners or the endless grind of menial jobs where their bosses control everything, down to how much water they can drink.
Creative Info:
- David Stern — Executive Producer
- Scott Huff — Executive Producer
- Playground Entertainment — Production Company
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