Untitled Suge Knight Biopic Project
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Project Info
Production Status: | Development |
Genre: | Drama |
Production Info | |
Current Status: | Development |
Description: The former music exec born Marion Hugh “Suge†Knight Jr. co-founded the iconic label Death Row Records in 1991 and is credited with bringing the subgenre of gangsta rap into the mainstream. Artists signed to the label included Dr. Dre, Snoop Dog and Tupac Shakur—and those three acts alone changed the face of hip hop with the release of the groundbreaking albums The Chronic, Doggystyle and All Eyez on Me. Knight’s label had enormous success with over 50 artists and profits of over $100 million a year, but fell into bankruptcy after the departure of Dr. Dre and Snoop Dog, the murder of Tupac and the 2018 incarceration of Knight on charges of voluntary manslaughter.
Creative Info:
- Nick Cassavetes — Writer
- Steve Whitney — Producer
- Anthony Thorne — Writer
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