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Genre: | Drama |
Production Info | |
Current Status: | Closed |
Last Shoot Dates: | March 2023 — July 2023 |
Location: | New York, NY |
Comments: | Based on T.H. White's The Once and Future King about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, 1960's Camelot was Lerner and Frederick Loewe's follow-up to their 1956 smash hit My Fair Lady, with that musical's original star Julie Andrews taking on the role of Queen Guenevere alongside Richard Burton as King Arthur and Robert Goulet as Lancelot. |
Creative Info:
- Bartlett Sher — Director
- Aaron Sorkin — Writer
- Lincoln Center Theater — Production Company
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** Please note the Up-To-Date Actor (UTDA) is not a submission/audition service, meaning no one has listed a specific audition or request for someone to submit. UTDA is an information resource only.
UTDA provides you with information on what projects are currently casting and who is casting. If you are specifically right for a project (based on your demographics and skills) you can use the information on our site to create what we call a “specific general submission.” When available, we provide the submission policy and preference on the casting director’s page but keep in mind since the pandemic all communication should be digital.
Play Info
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