
Project Info
Production Status:Development
Format:1 hour
Production Info
Current Status:Development
Location:New York, NY

Description: The rise and fall of the relationship between Sarma Melngailis and Anthony Strangis, two people who fulfilled each other’s desires to live in a world that existed outside of reality — which ultimately destroyed them. A tragic, twisted love story, doomed from the start. The title of the series likely comes from Pure Food and Wine, Melngailis’ upscale New York City raw food restaurant, which made her famous. But falling under the influence of Strangis, who promised her everything from financial prosperity to immortality for her and her dog if she obeyed him, Melngailis siphoned $2 million off her businesses and the two went on the run until they were arrested at a motel when Strangis used his real name to order pizza.


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