Obsessed, The Story of Diane Warren…So Far

Development - Musical
Production Status:Development
Production Info
Current Status:Development
Location:New York, NY

Description: Few know Diane Warren’s unbelievable story. Diane who was diagnosed early on with Asperger’s Syndrome grew up in suburban Los Angeles in the 1970s with a strict Jewish mother who expected her daughter to conform to a life of traditional values, marrying and raising a family. But Diane was a rebel with a passion for songwriting that led to unimaginable creative success. By the age of 14 songwriting had taken over Diane’s life. She was often writing three songs a day. Her breakthrough hit, Rhythm of the Night, became a worldwide smash. Diane Warren became the first songwriter in history to have seven hits on the Billboard charts, at the same time, all by different artists. No other writer can make claim to have written so many hits for the biggest stars in the world, including Taylor Swift, Beyonce, Cher, Aerosmith, Toni Braxton, Celine Dion, Whitney Houston, Lady Gaga, and so many more.


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