Blood Runs Coal

Project Info
Production Status:Development
Production Info
Current Status:Development

Description: Blood Runs Coal: The Yablonski Murders and the Battle for the United Mine Workers of America. It’s an epic story of a corrupt union leader who murders a rival and is taken down by the lawyer son of the slain coal miner. Blood Runs Coal takes place in the late 1960s in the coal mines of Pennsylvania and chronicles one of the most infamous crimes in the history of organized labor. Jock Yablonski was a second-generation coal miner who became an activist in the United Mine Workers union after his father was killed in a mine explosion. He fought for safety, better working conditions and health benefits as many around him were felled by black lung and other respiratory maladies, and mishaps in the mines were all too common and preventable. He made sure his children were educated and could find work above ground.


Blue Collar
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