Big Gay Jamboree

Last Auditioned: 05/29/24- View Info
Off-Broadway Musical
Production Info
Current Status:Casting On-Going
Performances Start:September 2024
Location:New York, NY

Description: Help! Stacey’s fallen into a musical and she can’t get out. Last night, she got a little bit blackout drunk. This morning, she woke up in some b*tch ass Music Man world where everybody keeps bursting into song & dance, and where gay still just means happy. Maybe it’s a dream. Maybe it’s an allergic reaction to her birth control. Or maybe it’s Maybelline (don’t sue us! sponsor us? we’ll talk later). But if Stacey’s truly trapped inside a Golden Age musical, there’s only one way out: sing out! Or find the stage door. Whatever gets the most applause.


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Play Info
by Marla Mindelle, Jonathan Parks Ramage
Music & Lyrics by Marla Mindelle, Philp Drennen

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