No season info at this time. Log in or create an account to add this play to your targets and be notified of new productions and audition opportunities as they are announced.
Comments: PLEASE SEE BREAKDOWN FOR PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS. Please frame yourself so that we can clearly see your head and torso. Submit your recorded .mov file, not to exceed 2 minutes total (introduction and 90 sec of material,) audition via email.
Comments: Submissions ONLY accepted from 9am EDT on 5/11/2021 to 6pm EDT on 5/12/2021. Anything sent outside of the range will not be viewed. For MY LORD, WHAT A NIGHT: Prepare 1-minute monologue in the style of the show. Think: Contemporary takes on a historical event. For ROUNDING THIRD: Sides for each character can be found via link. Submit both sides for the character you're interested in. Slate your name at the top of the audition & upload to an Unlisted YouTube link.