No season info at this time. Log in or create an account to add this play to your targets and be notified of new productions and audition opportunities as they are announced.
Comments: SEE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS IN BREAKDOWN. Self-tapes should be links; YouTube unlisted links, Vimeo links, and Dropbox links are preferred. Please make sure anyone with the link may view. Please submit your self-tape link and headshot/resume to this Google Form: (LINK 1).
Comments: Please submit by emailing your headshot/resume. Please include "LAYALINA" and your Equity status (Equity, EMC, NON) in the subject line of the email submission.
Comments: Self-tape two contrasting monologues, not to exceed three minutes altogether. Email your headshot, resume, and self-tape link and include your Equity status in the email. Self-tapes should be links: YouTube unlisted links, Vimeo links, Dropbox links are preferred. Make sure settings allow "anyone with the link may view."