Audition Location: Actors' Equity Association - Los Angeles 5636 Tujunga Ave North Hollywood, CA91601
Comments: Please prepare a 90-second cut of a song in the style of one of the shows in the season. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together. No dance combo to prepare ahead of time. Please arrive in comfortable dance attire and shoes. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Audition Location: Actors' Equity Association - Los Angeles 5636 Tujunga Ave North Hollywood, CA91601
Comments: Please prepare a 90-second cut of a song in the style of one of the shows in the season. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Audition Location: Theatre Under the Stars 800 Bagby St Ste 200 Houston, TX77002-2532
Comments: For scheduling appointments go to (LINK 1). Please arrive in dance attire to learn a quick musical theatre dance combo. You will not need to come prepared with anything for this call. Bring your headshot/resume.
Audition Location: Theatre Under the Stars 800 Bagby St Ste 200 Houston, TX77002-2532
Comments: ECC Singer/EPA Houston Appointments can be made via (LINK 1). Please prepare a brief musical theatre vocal cut to perform. You may be asked to perform an additional musical theater vocal cut in a contrasting style, so we suggest preparing more than one in case casting asks to see an additional option. There will be an accompanist on site. Bring your headshot/resume.