No season info at this time. Log in or create an account to add this play to your targets and be notified of new productions and audition opportunities as they are announced.
Audition Location: Actors' Equity New York Audition Center 165 W 46th St 16th Fl New York, NY10036
Comments: Please prepare 2 contrasting monologues. Total audition time should not exceed 3 minutes. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Audition Location: Alley Theatre 615 Texas St Texas Room on 4th Floor Houston, TX77002-2710
Comments: To schedule an audition appointment contact: (LINK 1). Auditions times will fill up first from 4pm-8pm and if needed will add time slots from 12pm-3pm. Please prepare 2 contrasting monologues. Total audition time should not exceed 3 minutes. Also, please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.
Audition Location: Pearl Studios (500) 500 8th Ave Studio 309 New York, NY10018-6504
Comments: Please prepare a contemporary, short monologue (1-2 minutes). If you are unable to attend you may drop off your headshot and resume or mail it to: Capital Repertory Theatre, 251 N. Pearl St., Albany, NY 12207
notifications_none Auditioned: 08/13/22- View Info
Prior Audition Info
submit by
Aug 13
Audition Type: Appointment Union: UNION Contract: SPT VIII
Submit to: *************.************-**********-*****
Submission Deadline: August 13, 2022
Online/Video Submission
Comments: Appointments can be made online via (LINK 1). If you wish to Audition on August 15th, please make your appointment by August 13th. Actors will be expected to show proof of membership. Please prepare a monologue. Headshot and resume will need to be submitted once audition slot is confirmed.
notifications_none Auditioned: 04/15/21- View Info
Prior Audition Info
submit by
Apr 15
Audition Type: Appointment Union: UNION Contract: NEAT
Submit to: *********@***************.***
Submission Deadline: April 15, 2021
Online/Video Submission
Comments: Please prepare and video a 90-second, contemporary monologue. Please submit a headshot, resume & 1.5-minute video electronically via email. Actors are welcome to submit via platforms such as Vimeo, YouTube or any other vehicle that is accessible. Be sure to include passcodes that may be necessary to access your video.