Comments: Click to sign up for an appointment slot (LINK 2) Submissions open Monday, April 10th, 2023 and will close by end of day Friday, April 14th, 2023 Please prepare 2 contrasting monologues limited to 60 seconds each. Bring a copy of your Headshot and Resume. Be prepared to fill out an audition form and survey. Video Submission Instructions: Self-tapes should be links; YouTube unlisted links, Vimeo links, and Dropbox links are preferred. Please make sure anyone with the link may view. Submissions must have 2 contrasting monologues limited to 60 seconds each. Please include a full body slate, with full legal and equity name; any representation and titles of monologues. Please submit your self-tape link and headshot/resume to (LINK I), ATTN: Audition.
Original Audition Notice: Chelsea, MI EPA