Audition Location: Actors' Equity New York Audition Center 165 W 46th St 16th Fl New York, NY10036
Comments: Please prepare materials that are specific, appropriate, and targeted for desired shows in the 2025 Season and roles listed in the breakdown attached to this audition notice.
Audition Location: Actors' Equity New York Audition Center 165 W 46th St 16th Fl New York, NY10036
Comments: Please prepare a brief song OR monologue in the style of something in the season. Please bring a picture/resume, stapled together. If singing, please bring sheet music in your key. If unable to attend EPA, feel free to submit a picture/resume to (LINK 1).
Audition Location: Bennett Hall 62 Center St Bennett Hall is located to the right of the First Congregational Church. Nantucket, MA02554-3605
Comments: To schedule an audition appointment, please contact casting Monday-Friday at: (LINK 1). We are not accepting video submissions. Please prepare sides, which will be provided by casting once an audition appointment is scheduled via email.
Audition Location: Arts Center of Coastal Carolina 14 Shelter Cove Ln Hilton Head Island, SC29928-3543
Comments: To schedule an appointment please go to (LINK 1). Please prepare a comedic monologue of your choosing - no more than 2 minutes in length. Please bring your headshot and resume.