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Need New Representation? - Strike News - Festivals & Awards

By Abigail Hardin, August 30, 2023

Happy Wednesday, UTD!

I hope you're enjoying the last unofficial week of Summer! While the strikes continue, I encourage you to use the natural surge of new energy this Fall to your benefit. Pick one career goal for this upcoming season and use this next week to define clear actionable steps towards reaching that goal.

  1. Make a vision board.
  2. Create a targeted list of people and projects.
  3. Make sure your marketing tools are in the best shape possible.

For many folks, this is a great time to start a new representation campaign. It is a false myth that agencies are not seeking during the strike. While it is always a case-by-case scenario, many Up-To-Date Actor members and clients have found new agents and managers during the Summer months. As always, we encourage you to take specific bold action. Create a targeted list of no more than 10 agencies who are seeking talent like you. Use the filters on the Up-To-Date Actor to find agencies currently seeking. But if you still have doubts pick the phone up and ask if they are accepting new submissions during the strike!

As always you can find nationwide (and Canada) information on talent agents and talent managers on the Up-To-Date Actor. Use the filters to search by who they represent, who they are seeking, upcoming networking events, and more. And if digital is not your style, we offer paper directories that can be ordered online and mailed directly to you.

We have offered our NYC/Tri-State & South East Directories for over 15 years and we are thrilled to have recently added a California Agency Directory to our offerings. These can be purchased online, at the Drama Book Shop in NYC, or at Theater Circle in NYC.

Paid Up-To-Date Actors subscribers receive a 20% discount on all printed directories. So what are you waiting for?! We've got you covered (digital & analog) to help you do the research, find the right people, and take bold action to move your career forward!

Lastly, Jump start the Fall season by joining us for our upcoming free workshop online! More details via the link below.

I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend! We'll be back the week after. Active members will still receive daily notifications, strike news & info, and theatre auditions via email. Happy end of Summer!


Articles pertaining to the SAG-AFTRA and WGA strikes continue to roll in on a daily basis. Below are select articles with the most pertinent strike information. For full Strike coverage please visit our new Strike Resource page.

Active Up-To-Date Actor members now receive daily or weekly notification with all strike related news articles. Make sure you don't miss an important article.

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